If the remains of something have completely fossilised, then the fossil doesn't contain any of the original living thing. These fossils are simply made of minerals, that have replaced the remains and kept the same shape, there is nothing of the original organism left. Therefore, these fossils can't be dated directly, as there is no carbon left from the remains, so carbon dating is not possible. Also, they are normally found in sedimentary rock which does not contain material suitable for radiometric dating.
Sometimes the remains don't completely fossilise. In these cases the remains can be carbon dated, although carbon dating is flawed. Sometimes the soft tissue remains of dinosaurs have been discovered, but they couldn't have survived millions of years without decomposing. Have a look at the following article: Scientists recover T. Rex soft tissue .
There is extensive evidence to indicate that fossils are formed rapidly, such as during a flood, rather than over long periods of time, as evolutionists believe. There are many examples of aquatic fossils mixed up with land animals all over the world, from Britain and France, to the USA, to Australia (see "Further reading" below). The image on the right is a fossil of a fish eating another fish - buried so rapidly it couldn't finish its dinner!


There are many other examples within the fossil record that do not fit with the evolution / Geologic Column model, such as layers of rock below layers that are supposed to be older. In addition, there are rocks that are supposed to be millions of years old, formed gradually from mud, with animal tracks on them. The picture opposite shows horseshoe crab tracks preserved in stone. Surely the tracks would have been erased by erosion over millions of years?
Another perplexing part of the record is polystrate fossils, not to mention the lack of transitional fossils and the missing human to ape link ...